Tuesday, 24 December 2013

 Merry Christmas! 

       So incredibly sorry for the major set back. I've been a bit busy with the endless assignments in school. Merry Christmas! I know it's not actually Christmas day yet for my folks but you can never be too early for this holiday right? I would've posted a while back if I wasn't doing some work wrapping presents. Love doing things for the charity.
   Well, how have you guys been? I mean, I've been pretty good, hopefully you guys are the same. If I might say so myself, I feel accomplished for getting through to Christmas break and feeling like I've actually deserved it. As long as I'm here online I'm finally starting to realize how relaxation feels again ( Shout out to Netflix). This comes out as a surprise but, I'm done working on my latest story. I've been working on it for a couple of months and posted it online about four or five days ago. You're welcome to check it out but, I refuse to give you the link due to the amount of embarrassment I have hidden away.
     Since I haven't kept in touch with you guys in the longest time, I'll sacrifice my new years resolution to being a better blogger. Did I say sacrifice, no. I meant promise ... yeah.
 Merry Christmas guys, love y'all!

Saturday, 14 September 2013


     So how's it been? School's back or maybe for some people it's college/ Uni. Either way, the busiest part of every year is back. How do you feel about it? Okay I know it's not like you care about sharing your feelings at the moment but, it was a rhetorical question so you can think not comment. My first two weeks have gone pretty well, I probably only learned like 4 of the schools wings but, it's okay ... hopefully things will improve. I got an A+ on the first test of the year and let me say: Damn I feel good. 

   Here's the first tip when it comes to homework, never ever procrastinate till the last minute. Procrastinate to the last hour . Okay no, no, no. I'm kidding. Sometimes Procrastination is for the better. I for one think procrastination is such a beautiful being but, why do people do it so often? Here's the answer: Hard work. Nobody wants to do it so instead they have fun and do it last the reason of procrastination is because lots of people do things better under pressure. Then again some people are just plain  lazy like me :) 


Monday, 2 September 2013


     Hey guys, its your blogger speaking here. So how was your summer? Mine was pretty fun (Not being ostentatious or anything) but it couldn't have gotten any better. Even though half of my summer was reserved going to summer school, I had a blast! Who knew being on educational grounds would actually be fun. I obviously met a lot of new people, learned a bit of new things and met some of my new future teachers although I STILL have no idea about the classes in my school. Clueless and proud, that should be a thing.
   I accomplished a lot this summer that connects to this year. Hopefully you can accomplish a lot too because its not like you can live online all the time. Have a nice day tomorrow, good luck to everyone!

Saturday, 6 July 2013

Feeling left out?

 Feeling left out? 

     Sometimes the first time we do something or be somewhere it makes us feel awkward. Am I correct? Most of the time it's just our minds playing tricks on us but, you'll never be left out. All it takes is a little courage to finally just do it and be confident. It only takes one word to start a friendship right? What you're searching for is a place to fit in, whether it's a clique, team or friend all you need is someone or something to be proud of and you're capable of that, don't you forget! ;) 

Friday, 28 June 2013

 You've got this: 

     You know that you've got a gift if you're able to read this. Sometimes there will be that one person who's always in your way but, truth is ... they never were. Nobody was ever in your way and nobody can ever get in your way because the only person in your way is you. It may seem complicated but, it's nothing that you won't understand. As you read your mind is making inferences as to what I'm trying to tell you in this paragraph but, it's pretty straight forward from here. Don't quit. This is just the train of life, soon you'll get to your destination but on the way you'll meet people who you can trust with your dorm key.Success is in your veins all you've gotta do is locate.

Sunday, 16 June 2013

 Imagine ;

      The moment that you've been waiting for is finally coming true. 
 Whether it's a song, article, art piece, monologue, answer or simple belief. 
 This was the one time where you felt as though, you've made it  at last! 
Well, it's almost time that you get off of this computer and do some planning.
Goodbye my grown star!*

Friday, 7 June 2013

 A picture's worth a thousand words:

     If a picture is worth a thousand words how many words does a video get? What do you think of when you see this picture? Just examine the footsteps in the snow and the shadow of the tall figure, the way he's walking away into the sun. Notice the surroundings near the sun like the trees. Can you read this picture?

We've all changed:

     Maybe you haven't noticed it or maybe that's the simple problem... change. Do you remember playing with the boys in fourth grade thinking you were all friends? Do you remember playing pranks on people with someone who was once your best friend forever. Most of all do you remember when you would pick someone in kindergarten to be your partner? No matter how tall or short or skinny or fat or rich or poor they were. Those were flashbacks of what you once were. Maybe it's vise versa depending on who's reading this but, you know you've changed because of those little memories.
   Sometimes people change because of how fed up they were with their past, some people change because of their surroundings but nobody should ever be forced to change. Not everyone is gonna like who you are or how you're dressed but, it's better than being liked for being fake or being liked because you're an attention seeker. At one point or another we've all experienced being lonely or feeling unwanted. It's as natural as going to the bathroom but something that nobody ever notices is how you've changed. What inspired you to change? Why? What makes you different, makes you beautiful. Just remember that. 

Friday, 17 May 2013

That Awkward Moment:

     Have you ever been stuck in a fight where there's two best friends that aren't talking to each other. So it's pretty awkward if I'm not mistaken. When you're stuck in between like three magnets and only two can be a pair. This is when you have to take charge and have a chat all of you guys together. Just talk and spill the beans about how you've all been feeling lately. I promise you that this will totally stitch up your friendship. 

Wednesday, 15 May 2013

Your 15 minutes of fame:*

     Walking in to school on a Monday expecting it to be terrible because you were forced to wake up early this morning. The weather is beautiful outside and the sun is shining bright. Why aren't I? I think to myself. Indeed it's Monday but at the same time, today is gonna be totally awesome because I see my friends again. It's gym day... well maybe? I was up late over thinking about unnecessary things last night so I feel like a zombie. 
   Here goes nothing. When I walk into the room nobody's there. Honesty?- Just. Really? Soon enough I hear my name being called. Oh. It's just the french teacher. I mean, yeah I love french but, I thought this was someone more exciting. Not that I was expecting it at all anyway. " Go take your stuff off and come out in your white uniform shirt." She says with the slightest french accent. Wasn't she Italian? " Oui Madame." Don't mind me. It's still french class you know so might as well enjoy it before I can't understand it next year. I go back to the class and take off my stuff kind of feeling all cool because I was alone. I took advantage of this and started to pray that today would be nice and pleasant as always.
   The reason I was praying was because I desperately needed to print out my short story. But NO... instead my printer had to go all diva on me and say '[ No ink]' causing me to miss the school bus. 'Lates' are unacceptable but not having my homework done over the weekend was just preposterous. I worked really hard on that assignment too. I woke up with my hair frizzy this morning so I knew from the start: "Today's gonna suck so bad."
   Eventually I came out in my white collared uniform. Ugh. It's so cold outside but, like my grade 4 teacher once said " When it's cold and you aren't dressed properly... all there is to do is embrace it." I will always remember those words. I took my hands away from my elbows in a reaction of being cold and then went all 'footloose' -because my converse were untied. I tucked them into my shoe because I felt too awkward to bend down and tie it for like, 1 whole minute not even. Whatever. 
   As I joined everyone outside for the largest picture the school is ever gonna have my teacher told me where to stand. I was standing next to some awesome people so it was great - that is, until we took the picture... Some people were blocked by others, some didn't know we took the picture already, some looked totally lost, some were even talking to people half way across the yard. Overall I bet it turned out to be an outstanding picture. When we finished with the very distinguished photo shoot some kid called my name repeatedly. What now? He was lost among the crowd and I struggled to see him.
   " Hey Lynn, I saw you walking on my street this morning!" He sounded over excited to talk to me so I just smiled and nodded my head. " That darn printer had to put up a fight with my homework." A loud laugh left his mouth and I walked away from the conversation thinking wow. Today isn't as bad as it seemed...
   I rushed to my class but got stuck in traffic so ended up having to be last. Oh well. I spotted my teacher, co-op teacher and some students in the class. The rest of them were at band practice. I stepped inside feeling a cold draft behind me. Hey look! I'm not the last student in the class. turns out I was 5th to last apparently.  A friend of mine came up to ask what was up and I just replied. " The sky." We laughed a bit until I started to brag about my short story assignment. "I spent a lot of time to perfection this story so... " I sat at my desk. " Hopefully she likes it." I finished. " Holy! It's 7 pages long!?" She asked with a gasp. I nodded laughing at her surprised face. I'm Lynn, what did you expect a 2 page essay. No. It's called a short story so it's long enough to enjoy and short enough to fit in a folder with the 27 others.
   My friend skimmed my story and from then I stapled it and handed it to the co-op teacher. She was happy I handed it in and had a warm smile on her face. I came back to sit next to my friend. It was silent. " Your English is so proper." a look of joy and disgust faded on her face.I didn't bother to ask if it was good or bad but you know that feeling of being rejected?  Yeah, knowing my friend that's probably what she was gonna make me feel. *laughs* 
   The P.A system went off. "Welcome staff and students, please rise for our national anthem and morning prayer." The remaining students of the class stood up and sang as respectful Canadians shall. After a couple of minutes when everything was silent I was called to the music room and just like that I left in a flash. As I walked in some students were practicing band parts that I thought sounded really good. The music teacher was present at her desk asking me if I wanted to join the band that was performing today. I really wanted to but I couldn't due to the soar throat I had just the week before. She nodded her head showing a look of sorrow. " Okay dear." she continued to her work. 
   I walked to the door and placed my hand on the door knob about to leave when-
"  Lynn!" a student called my name. " I really like your blog." She said. I thanked her and a couple of other students joined in our conversation. " Yeah, it's really cool.", " And I love your excellent writing skills.", " I wish I could write like you."
   I was flattered. There was simply nothing that could ruin my mood. Just those 6 phrases were playing along in my head. Who would've known that I would've gotten noticed. It made me feel spontaneous and it made me feel like a junior author but, I kept that confidential. 


Hey You, Yeah You!

     Yeah, that's right. I'm talking to you. Not the person next to you listening to music, not the person on the other side trying to copy your work,  not the person in front of you falling asleep and neither the person behind you trying to read this exact post but ... You. 
    All I wanted to tell you is ... You are an intensified  piece of art. 


     Imagine if there wasn't any suicides. Think about it. Really. Let it sink in your head and let it stay there for a while. Just imagine if bullying was nonexistent. Imagine a world where people are always happy and there was no such thing as depression, no such thing as being left out or feeling alone. Every single person on this planet understands what it's like to want to fit in but really, the truth is that those people just don't want to get noticed by judges. We aren't in a reality show so why must people judge others? Everyone has flaws and just because you can't see them doesn't mean they don't have any. Don't define yourself by others opinions. 
   Don't be hard on yourself. Don't you ever be hard on yourself because their are always people out there who have it worse than you and when you pressure yourself to be perfect you're just being something you're not ... Please don't do that to yourself. Everyone is their own kind of perfect whether your chubby or too thin or too pale or too dark. Whether you have braces or not, whether you have glasses or not. Why would you wanna change a single thing about who you are? Looking like someone else is a copy but, an original is worth more than a copy will ever be because, originals are limited edition.

Friday, 19 April 2013

Advice 101: Anxiety*

     I know a lot of people who have really bad anxiety... why? Simple things can trigger them. We went to a music festival yesterday and when it was our turn to play. I sat in the front row with a couple of other people. Before we started I asked if they were nervous, sure enough they were but why? I could tell from their faces that they were coming down with some anxiety. Personally I wasn't nervous but it felt nice performing on the large stage. We played magnificent over all - maybe not as magnificent as one school but we still came out winners. When you're really nervous and start biting your lip, knocking your knees, shaking your hands or even get sweaty hands... Just remember how you'll feel when it's all over with. The relieved stress is no more. Take a breath, watch your step and just have fun performing like when you're having fun with your friends.

Tuesday, 9 April 2013

Advice 101: Taking chances*

     Sometimes we've all gotta take chances. I guess it's just life right? At some point in time we've all come to a conclusion of " What do I do next?", " Should I be doing this?" or " This is wrong but...". Pure pressure can do this too but, that's not what I'm blogging  about right now. Taking chances is just in the adventurous package of life so there's nothing else to say except for Y.O.L.O but of course with this comes some other things ... anyway! Back to my point.  What I was saying was, chances takes a lot out of you to do, I understand but ... simple chances can take you so many places, all you have to do is believe in yourself and stay positive never expect anything, just keep an eye out. 

     You never know what you are capable of until you take a chance to find out .

Thursday, 4 April 2013

    That awkward moment ...

   Ever had that moment when one of your biggest secrets is exposed to your whole grade? Yeah... I have, it's not all that great but the only way to handle it is just to agree that it's just an exposed secret. Nothing to hide if everyone knows right? Don't deny anything because then it'll all blow up in your face like a bad case of deja  vou. When it gets bad to the point where you can't handle it, just take your mind off of it and hang out with close friends and family.
     Nothing fixes your emotions like some special family time ...

     <<<< Yorkshire

      Yes, yes, yes... I know this is totally random but, Yorkshire is totally off the hook. Isn't it beautiful ...
   Yorkshire is located in Doncaster or also known as in England, you know... Where all those fancy people live.

Different is truly beautiful

       There are some people out there who believe they
aren't good enough. Why does the human race have this problem? I ask myself that exact question all the time. Indeed some people are very talented but that doesn't mean that you aren't. Why do people have to criticize everything? It doesn't make you any better, smarter, or cooler so why must it be on your checking list? Do you write it down purposely or just because you feel like you've got the power. We aren't made to become super heroes. Everybody should believe that they're beautiful because there is no true definition of normal. I dare you to search it up. Beauty is defined by your personality not the way you look or the way you blend in with anybody else but ... about the way you choose to stand out from the rest ...
     Beautiful begins with the letter 'B'. It's because you just need to B yourself.

That awkward moment ...

     I hate that awkward moment when you have one annoying friend. It shouldn't be awkward because they're your friend but, who knows perhaps you're not as close to that friend as you think you are?... Maybe that annoying friend has a big mouth that you don't know about, maybe that friend has a bad habit of showing up at the wrong times, maybe their presence annoys you. There's a lot to be annoyed with but, it isn't right if one of your friends is talking about the other. Is it? Then that's settled. When you have an annoying friend (it may seem rude but,) Just tell them what's wrong and why you're annoyed with them otherwise it'll come back to bite you later and you'll be bit hard because you lied to one of your closest friends...
   Hard task. Easy to do it. Confused yet?

Wednesday, 3 April 2013

 Advice 101: The Crush Code*

    So I have a friend (Who'd like to stay anonymous). She wants to know how to talk to her crush without him freaking out. The problem is that he already knows that she's head over heels for him ... Yeah, I know right! Totally sucks. I was the first person she asked for advice. It made me feel really special so I told her I'd post my answer here...
   When your crush knows that you like him and you guys don't talk at all... I guess it sucks right? Well, no worries because you've got me to help you out :) 

The steps to becoming un- Crushed*

   1. Don't freak out when your crush finds out that you like him/her. NEVER deny anything just tell the truth before they make rumors about you. ("They" would be the popular group in your school).

   2. Always wait a long period of time ( A couple of days maybe even weeks) when everyone forgets that old secret of you liking him/her. Just make sure that it's out of the gossip area and the coast is clear.

3. Hardest step. Start to make small chats with your crush NO flirting just convenient stuff like "Hey", " How do you...(do something, say a word in french or whatever,) " What's your favourite... etc." Creating small talk can get you closer to your crush so easily that there's no need to become nervous.

4. Try asking someone for your crushs' cell phone number so you can play a game of 'date or pass' or any other easy game where you get to know some personal information. This step becomes the easiest as long as you do number 3. If you don't have a cell phone then you should just talk about it face to face when you guys are alone or with friends.

5. When you guys finally get to be friends and you've gone through steps 3 and 4 especially, start telling your crush some cool things about yourself and include just how talented you are because everyone is talented in something. Just don't sound too self absorbed. 

Success is now yours! ;;) 

Tuesday, 2 April 2013

Polyvore possibly the best website for any teenage girl out there into fashion!


Are there any other teenage girls out there that are as interested in fashion as I am? Well if you are there's a site that would totally make you freak. It's called Polyvore, haven't heard of it... you have no life. I'm kidding! But really check it out, it's actually worth your time. Do you have an eye for fashion? I bet you will after this! http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/home  <--- There's the link now go and explore your own world of combinations, mix and match and edgy VS girly.