Thursday, 6 July 2017


On an extremely serious note ... people I'm close to have recently started to open up to me about their very personal issues and I feel like it's so important to remind you all that my inbox can also be open to you too. There are some things in life that I've always questioned and it's been the same with people for as long as I've remembered- people are beings I've always found to be very interesting. Honestly speaking, there are some touchy subjects, I won't touch upon here, that specifically spark my interest and lately I've been confronted with people who have issues with said subjects- people I thought I knew. Now I don't know what I've done to deserve this knowledgeable insight into their lives but I'm thankful. You can know a person for six years and speak and joke around with them all of the time but, do you really know them? Are you there for them? It really blurs your vision once you start to think of a person in a certain way then discover that things aren't always what they seem.
It feels like you've been lied to, deceived, doubted, underestimated, betrayed... 
Most times it isn't about you, it's up to the person to tell you when they think the timing is right. There's only so much that we can do- you cannot help a person who doesn't want to be helped and you cannot feed the one with a closed mouth- but, if a person calls to you, help them. Treat people great whether you want to or not, everyone has an issue they cannot stand to fight anymore, don't add to it. Also, value others and let them know that you value them, it goes a very very long way. xo.

Monday, 26 June 2017


I have no intentions to blog everyday but, I'll try my best to do so at least 2-3 times a week. Things have been busy around here for me but, this stress has suddenly given me a newfound motivation if that makes any sense at all? Have any of you ever experienced some sort of inner-self awakening? I thought I had one a couple of years back but, that was really nothing compared to what I'm feeling right now- pretty cool. Have y'all ever felt trapped in any way? Like the walls are closing in on you? Take a trip to town. You don't have to buy anything or do much but, just get out of your head and appreciate the scenery of the buildings or maybe even the landscape. Don't think about what's bothering you- just look around and think of the small good things in life, any favourite scents, foods or hobbies? Use those little things to your advantage. I promise you'll feel better.
Perhaps if that doesn't work for you, then try focusing on the bigger picture- maybe what you're going through is small in comparison to what the future may hold and what else is happening around you.

Sunday, 25 June 2017

I'm back and I'm better ;*

Hi there I'm Lynn, great to meet you and nice to see you. Hope you've all been doing well, it's been a while since I've last posted on this thing- say three years or so? Well I'd like to re-introduce myself ... I'm happy to say that I've changed and you probably have too. Believe it or not, high school is over for me and I'm ready to begin a new chapter in my life, not that things have been bad but, they could've been better- BUT I am extremely thankful for all that's happened to me or around me. Hopefully y'all feel the same way right, trying to stay positive about things while being realistic ... that's the only way I know life. How have you all been? Very good I hope, I send virtual hugs and kisses to those of you who need it xoxo :) let's turn a new page together- tell me how you've all been doing :)